Noxster — Web Design Form

Misunderstood Doesn’t Need To Be Explained.

Web Design Questionnaire


Web Design Form

    Good design is an extension of the website planning process so that the UX (user experience) is engaging for your audience and the UI (user interface) optimizes traffic flow toward your conversion goals. Your design will be more effective if you complete the online website planning checklist first.


    Your personal preferences are important, but also consider which style is most appropriate for your goals, content, and audience.

    Do you know competitive websites?

    Colors & Typography

    Do you have an established color scheme that you wish to maintain? If not what colors do you think are attractive to your intended audience? You can either select your colors from this graph or type the color hue in below.

    Please Upload Your font

    Please send us any files you feel may be helpful for us to have on file

    Primary and Secondary Colors

    Please send us any files you feel may be helpful for us to have on file


    A. Upload screenshots or picture of your a website you like & provide website domain or url in the comment section with comments..

    B. Upload screenshots or pictures of a second website that you like & provide website domain or url in the comment section with comments.

    C. Upload screenshots or pictures of a third website that you like & provide website domain or url in the comment section with comments.


    Dropdown menus are good for reference websites because they provide faster access to a lot of content. But if you want to funnel people to particular conversion goals, you probably don’t want them deep linking to random pages on your website. In that case you want main links that direct them to the landing page of each main link and only display sidelinks after they have determined they need more information relevant to their agenda.

    Home Page

    These elements should be based on funneling traffic to your particular conversion goals. If it doesn’t provide you value, it’s just a distraction and should be promoted some other way, possibly through your site map.



    Do you Have Professional Images That Can Be Used On Your Website?

    And/or do you have a budget for hiring a photographer? If not, we can help you search for compelling stock photography.


    Do you Have Style Preference To Icons? These Are a Huge Element To a Web-desgn, Please Upload Or Give Us The Icons That You Wish To Use

    File attachment / upload

    And/or do you have a budget for ALTERING, STYLING, OR FINDING ICONS? If not, we can help you search for and design icons.

    Logo & Branded Guidelines

    Please Upload Your Logo in Illustrator, ESP, PDF, JPG, PNG format. We would also appreciate if you provide a sitemap of the pages you wish to redesign.

    Upload Your Brand Guidelines, Logos, & Sitemap If Available.