Noxster — Web Design — Portfolio — Triniti Bank  

TrinitI BANK






Web-Design Ui/Ux

Custom Interface

Banking Web Design

Noxster partnered with Triniti Bank to help conceptually redesign and optimize their current website, site structure, and make the display more dynamic. By analyzing the paths to checkout, form submission journey, and lack of content opportunities, we were able to focus on brand kit that eliminated unwarranted steps throughout the organic process. Our scope of work included planning, design, branding, organic seo, content marketing, google adwords, development, and mobile optimization.

  • Mobile and Responsive UI Web Design.
  • Custom Animiation and Branding Kit
  • Capture Forms and Secure Contact Pages

Branding and UI Kit

Design Elements

Life is A Game That Can’t Be Won
Just Played. So We Played.

SEO Services For Merchant Services

SEO Services

SEO Marketing and Content were a critical element within the design scope. We analyzed competitor rankings, keyword density, image to textratio, and the weakest points on Triniti Bank’s website.

Through the data driven approach we were able to come to market with a mobile SEO website with unique content opportunities while also segregating the content through layers vs. blocks or pillars of content.

We also created an interactive design based on custom icons, images, and UI interfaces.

  • Website Structure
  • Content Marketing

Consumer Journey Funnel

Engaging Interactive
Page Design

Workflow and Sitemap Architecture

Custom Destination
Pages for Adwords

We we wrote and strategically created moodboards and concepts for
specfiic Google Adwords Campaigns to funnel the consumer in a more
cost effective, consumer centric, capture form. For Triniti Bank we also
designed a ton of unique content marketing opportunities to increase
the trust flow, decrease bounce rate, and optimize keywords through
the entire website and display.

Each page has a specific keyword density
icon, and conceptual purpose to match the
onsite programming and website sitemap.

Mobile Experience

Mobile Optimization

Each page was designed three times for the size of each screen in which the destination page was displayed.
For the homepage, internal pages, and service pages, we took a detailed approach to make sure everything was in 4k.
The size of the screen would help eliminate and unwarranted coding errors, image size compression, and SEO scores.
It will not only improve the load time, bounce rate, but it gives the overal consumer a more well rounded

Contact Pages and Call To Actions

Secure Checkout

POS systems for Small and Big


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