Noxster — Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing Services

Background: Mobile-first indexing means that Googlebot will now use the mobile version of your site for indexing and ranking, to better help our (primarily mobile) users find what they’re looking for. Google’s crawling, indexing, and ranking systems have historically used the desktop version of your site’s content, which can cause issues for mobile searchers when the desktop version differs from the mobile version. Our analysis indicates that the mobile and desktop versions of your site are comparable.

Mobile Serach Engine Optimization

Mobile Marketing
For eCommerce

To recap, our crawling, indexing, and ranking systems have typically used the desktop version of a page’s content, which may cause issues for mobile searchers when that version is vastly different from the mobile version. Mobile-first indexing means that we’ll use the mobile version of the page for indexing and ranking, to better help our — primarily mobile — users find what they’re looking for.

Web Design Services

Mobile First Web Design

To check if your domain is indexed as “Mobile First” by Google you have to check
your Google Search Console. At Noxster our Mobile First SEO strategy concentrtes
on the best practices. Mobile SEO starts and ends with a sleek and modern
web 2.0 design, no hidden content, and brand continuity. Don’t sit back and wait,
contact us to see if your website is “MOBILE FIRST”.

Website Load Time Optimization

Improve Your Website Load
Time on Mobile Phones

Mobile Menu Navigation

Custom Mobile Menus
and Website Navigation

Find a local Mobile SEO marketing company
near you. When searching online, the Google Maps
local listings will provide you with companies near me.
Increase your SEO rankings by GEO fencing users
who are searching on mobile devices.

Our Mobile SEO Services

Looking For Local
Mobile SEO Services?


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