SEO Services — Google Local Optimization | Map Listing & Local Listing

Google My Business SEO

Google My Business Optimization: Leverage Local Your Listings, Post, Maps & More To Maximize Local Traffic.

Improve your local ranking on Google

Google Maps Business Listing

Is your business coming up in the Google Maps “3-pack” for location-based searches? Or, are you finding yourself outranked by lower-rated, less qualified competitors? Accurate, real-time location data is a big win for businesses, Google, and consumers.

Google My Business (GMB) is a free tool from Google offers the greatest impact for brands seeking local exposure. GMB is behind the business listings on Google Maps, and is a tremendous tool for businesses. Whether your business is service based — such as contractor, florist, or notary — or a brick-and-mortar retail location, Google My Business can generate business for you. Chains with multiple locations are also fantastic candidates for Google My Business optimization.

Don’t miss the opportunity to position your business in the prime “real estate” of Google page 1 with GMB. Our Local Listing optimization service propels your business to the top of local search results for your area. We analyze your market, optimize your listing(s), monitor the competitor landscape, and deliver results. 

02 — Destination Marketing


Google My Business

03 — Noxster Optimizes

Google My Business complements your website by giving your business a listing — which means a presence on Google. A listing is used by consumers to find your business, read reviews, confirm details such as address and open hours, and ultimately make the decision to buy. By neglecting to adhere to local SEO optimization, you are losing sales, leads, and opportunities.

Noxster’s Local Marketing team optimizes, adapts, and maintains accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information about your business. Our local SEO, business listings, and Google Maps three-pack displays across online maps, apps, directories, GPS devices, social networks, and search engines. Noxster SEO optimizes your listings across 60+ partner sites, including Google Maps, Apple Maps, Bing, Facebook, Foursquare, Yahoo, and others.

The Proof is in the pudding. See how we rank for “SEO Company” and other Search Phrases within the Local SEO Los Angeles within Google’s SERPs.

Google My Business & Reputation Management

Google Listing Reviews

Reviews are a critical part of your Google My Business listing success. As a consumer, would you visit a restaurant with a paltry 2-star rating on Google Maps? Not only are negative reviews a poor reflection on your business; they also impact your listing’s ranking. Want to show up in Google’s “3-pack?” Reputation management will be a key initiative in your campaign.

04 — Claim & Verify Your Listing on Google Maps

Image Optimization

Photos for Your Google My Business Listing

05 — Image Optimization

We love photos. Google loves photos. Customers engage with photos. Your Google My Business listings needs properly curated and optimized images, in order for your profile to stand out in SERPs. As the listing owner or manager, you have full control over the profile photo, logo, cover photo, as well as additional photos and — as of 2019 — videos. Images are a huge asset when it comes to local marketing. From the proverbial “here is what I had for lunch” image posted by a customer, to your team photos in a professional settings, photos are not only a reflection of your brand, but also a search and ranking asset. Our GMB optimization service curates and manages images for maximum exposure to your target audience. 

Local Internet Marketing Services Help You
Manage Your Google My Business Listing 

09 — Local Internet Marketing


NAPW: Name, Address, Phone, Website

NAPW stands for Name, Address, Phone and Website. It’s also commonly known as NAP. This is a fancy term for consistency of basic information about your business across the Google My Business listing, Apple Maps, Bing, Yelp, etc and your website. Noxster ensures NAPW consistency for your business across 60+ partner sites. Inaccurate and inconsistent data confuse your customers, and, what’s worse, it confuses Google. NAPW consistency is a ranking signal for local searches, and a key part of our local marketing strategy.

09 — Local Business Lisiting


Google My Business
Social Post

07 — Mobile SEO For Local Listing. We Optimize on Every Device.


Multiple Retail Store

We manage multiple locations for a multitude of industries. Noxster helps customers feel a peace
of mind when coming across your local branded concepts. We have a whole creative approach
to help distinguish your branded identity. By structuring your local images, business listing and
web elements to convey a ver clear and consise branded message. We stimulate the listing by
creating the visibility to capture impressions. We track third party networking websites, personas,
and local directories where they search for local businesses.

09 — WEB Design

Enhanced Content Syndication: Leverage your listings across the web to differentiate your business from the competition and drive measurable business results.

Today’s world of smartphones, mobile moments, and self-driving cars demands accurate location data more than ever. And no single search, maps, and apps provider is more important to your location marketing strategy than Google.


Measure With Exclusive

07 — Measure With Exclusive Analytics

Google makes no secret of creating cohorts, trends, advanced metrics, and analytics to help make efficient business decisions. Analytics are crucial to your success. Our publisher relationships provide exclusive analytics on your presence across the local search networks to help you measure what’s working and how customers are engaging.

Listing Visitor Reporting: See how often a listing appears in local search results, the views its detail page receives, and the number of times customers click on a Featured Message – which helps you tie revenue back to your digital presence.

Search Term Reporting: Monitor the search queries for which your listings show up most often in local search results. Use this information to optimize your listings and your own website for the keywords you want and discover hidden opportunities to get found more often.

Exendo Creative

Control Your

Even after setting up accurate and rich listings for all your locations, you may have errant listings
or rogue profiles. Whether you have 1 location or 10,000, we keep you in control of what appears
and what doesn’t.

Duplicate Suppression: Duplicate records of your business information appear across the search
ecosystem — and they cost you time, money, and SEO benefits. Our technology finds
and suppresses duplicate listings so consumers never see incorrect or incomplete address
or contact information. Since search engines value consistency, Duplicate Suppression offers
huge SEO benefits.

10 — Social Media Graphics & Branding Communication

Social Page Location Data Sync: Sync the location data in the platform to your place pages on Facebook and Foursquare. If social pages don’t exist for your locations already or are managed by someone else, we can create or claim them for you..


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