Noxster — Web Design Services — Portfolio — Daily Nu

Daily NU




Healthy DW / Daily NU


Web Design & SEO


About Project

Daily NU, America’s Nutritional Supplement Company, hired Noxster to manage their Nutritional Supplement marketing campaign. Noxster was hired to create a internet marketing strategy from scratch. We worked with HealthyDW / DailyNu to strategically understand the international market, prepare statistical analysis to predict ROI, and create a user centric UI design that would be SEO friendly.


The Challenge

To penetrate the US market, create brand awareness through SEO marketing, start a social presence, create engaging content, and help with eCommerce marketing.

  • Designed a custom responsive nutritional supplement web design that is fully functional on tablets & smartphones.
  • Custom SSL Certificate and API upload.
  • Mobile SEO Marketing Strategy.
  • Upload & SEO Optimize eCommerce Product SKUs.
  • Create unique product descriptions, content, and variables to make sure we adhere to brand guidelines, while also optimizing within Google’s SEO Best Practices.
  • Research product supplements, develop a internet marketing strategy domestically.
  • Logo Design update.
  • Create a custom backend CMS to make sure we had the most robust eCommerce platform.
  • Manage Facebook Display Ads, Facebook Page, and Twitter.
  • Generate Instagram followers, promotions, and video optimization.
  • Integrate a ongoing content development, custom graphic, and content distribution PR strategy.
  • Hired to undergo ongoing SEO for Nutritional Supplements.



We created a comprehensive brand experience that is clean, simple, honest, and professional. The vantage point of the logo mark embodies Healthy DW’s non-traditional approach to education. Paired with the logomark, the logotype gives a subtle nod to the ownability of the brand.



Each landing page and product page was 100% SEO Optimized for Conversion Optimization and included unique creative content with SEO keyword insertion. The UI was individually designed for the value of each nutritional suppliment. Noxster created custom graphics, charts, and interface engagement functionality for visitors to stay onsite longer, use top of the line technology, and decrease bounce rate.


created custom facebook page & custom graphics

Starting from scratch, DailyNu had no Facebook or Instagram presence. While transitioning the brand into the US market, HealthyDW was looking to Noxster to handle the PR, Social Media, and product promotion. We created a Facebook page completely from scratch. We regularly updated and monitored Facebook Status, Testimonials, Reviews, Videos, and created custom Graphics.


instagram api integration to website

HealthyDW wanted to make sure that when they had a Instagram promotion, regrams, and all posts would be on their live website. We created a unique design that automatically uploaded all of the traffic and customer engagement on Instagram directly to the Press Page and throughout the web design layout. This encouraged users who posted with HealthyDW products to see themselves on the live nutritional supplement website.



Noxster wrote unique content for product supplements throughout HealthyDW’s website. We wrote landing pages, blogs, press releases, new updates, and social media posts. We were also responsible for daily tweets within the onsite optimization. With our creative content we also produced charts, branded messages, and hashtag optimization.


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