Noxster — Website Call Tracking

Website Call Tracking

How does your company track your digital campaigns and organic growth? Imagine trying to find out how prospects found your company without asking? Did they find your website via search or ad click,  and if so, what page did they stumble upon prior to calling? Tracking the source of these calls are extremely important. With call tracking, it’s possible. Our website call tracking services include:

Setup and
testing of phone

Setup and testing of phone numbers for multiple online and offline marketing channels

Phone number

Phone number integration with Google Analytics to highlight on real, actionable call data


Monthly reporting interface and log of all phone call data (including location and phone number of callers

Tracking Experience

The clients we work with using call tracking enjoy higher ROI and more insight into what’s working and what’s not. With this in place, we can attribute calls to certain traffic sources, including PPC and SEO, down to the keyword.

Give us a call to see how call tracking can help you!
+1 323 967 8386

See how we can help you
Grow Your Business Enter your website to get started now


Grow Your Business With a Call Tracking Solution!

There’s a degree of risk that you encounter by setting up and running a small business and it can also be expensive.

Maximizing your resources for the best return of investment consistently is necessary for your business to survive in this new digital landscape. You should be able to know who calls your business no matter the time of the call.

Regardless of if your business generates 10 or 1,000 phone calls a week, having a call tracking software that can give you a real insight into how your campaigns are working and are pivotal to giving you the big picture of your business’ success. Phone call conversion should be one of your focus points as a business owner or executive.

If your business generates a lot of telephone inquiries through online marketing activities, it’s wise to invest in call tracking software that can provide you with real insight by tracking metrics into the performance of all your marketing activities and call details.

A call transcription service is available within our call tracking plan which accurately transcribes the audio information from voicemails received via your tracked phone numbers into text and provides information like names and phone numbers in a convenient email format. Another great tool that clients can take advantage of automated lead scoring, which evaluates new phone calls and scores them on a basis of their perceived value to your company, giving you a better idea of how worthwhile each call or voicemail is to you. With so many features within this software, you can be sure your online call tracking needs are met so your business can achieve its goals for growth.

An advanced feature that is offered is the ability to track calls by web marketing channel. This allows even greater insight into which channels are driving results, as well as the ability to more accurately calculate ROI for each web marketing channel.


  • Web Development
  • Ecommerce
  • Magento Web Development
  • Website Focus Groups
  • Content Management Systems
  • Google Analytics Consulting
  • Content Experiments Consulting
  • Responsive Website Design
  • Marketing Automation
  • Company Targeting
  • Personalized Site Content
  • Shopping Feed Promotion
  • Social Community Development
  • Website Maintenance
  • Website Security Analysis
  • Website Call Tracking

Pricing Plans

Call Tracking Pricing Plans

Our clients who employ call tracking experience a greater ROI. This is because we can attribute
calls to certain traffic sources, including PPC and SEO, down to the keyword.


Call Transcription & lead Scoring
Services Included

Included in all of our call tracking plans, our call transcription service accurately transcribes the audio information from voicemails received via your tracked phone numbers into text and provides information like names and phone numbers
in a convenient email format. Additionally, subscribers can take advantage of automated lead scoring, which evaluates new phone calls and scores them on a basis of their perceived value to your company, giving you a better idea of how worthwhile each call or voicemail is to you. With so many features in one piece of software, you can be sure your online call tracking needs are met so your business can achieve its goals for growth.


Web marketing channel call tracking
and channel ROI reporting options

For clients who would like to take advantage of call tracking on multiple websites or landing pages, that option is available as well. Running multiple campaigns both organic and paid has never been more seemless

Call Tracking

What is Call Tracking?

In short, call tracking is software that provides information on where your phone calls are coming from. By using different phone numbers, or call extensions that are tagged in the call tracking platform, you can designate particular sources to each phone number. This allows you to indicate whether a customer called you from an ad, a billboard they saw, Google Ad, or if they came to your website via social media.


How Does Online Call Tracking Work?

Finding out detailed information on where your calls are coming from can give your business a major upper hand. This software can even help find out more details on incoming phone calls and if your conversion rate is acceptable. But how does it all work, exactly?

Take a look at the graphics below for an explanation of how our online call tracking software, and tracking numbers works.

Track Phone

Do I really need to track
phone calls?

If you’re looking into call track software, you’ve probably found that your business prospects prefer to call you rather than fill out an online form. This is a good sign for both leads and the effectiveness of call tracking services since people who choose to pick up the phone tend to be higher quality leads and more likely to become customers. As a result, if you’re not using call tracking tools, you could be seriously underestimating the conversion rate and overall
effectiveness of your web marketing efforts.

Track Phone

Details Increased Website
Traffic by + 95%

See how we can help you
Grow Your Business Enter your website to get started now
Want to speak with an expert? Call us at 310-202-4037

Pricing Plans

Website call tracking tools to help
you get ahead

Call tracking software can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. This platform records every word that your leads say to you over the phone so you have a record of who they are and what they want from your business. With all of this important information, you can increase your customer conversion rate by approaching each lead in a unique way.

Track Phone

Make more informed decisions
with a call tracking system

Reporting from call tracking can gauge the number of leads an assigned phone number to a campaign on your website generates. Phone calls originating from visitors viewing your website or a section of your website, such as a form or landing page can be tracked and identified.

This is valuable for service-based businesses because a visitor of your website may be more likely to call your company from the number available on your website than place an online order or fill a “contact us” form.

With the implementation call tracking services on your website, we are able to report the true ROI and make more informed decisions on future changes to your website and your content marketing strategy.

Call Tracking

How online call tracking
reporting works

As WebpageFX’s proprietary call tracking software, CallTrackerFX is a tool that gauges the number of leads a particular website generates. It enables WebpageFX to track the number of phone calls originating from visitors viewing a website or a particular component of a website, such as a form or landing page.

CallTrackerFX is especially valuable to service-based businesses, where website visitors are more likely to call the company rather than place an online order or complete a “contact us” form.

With the implementation of website call tracking services, we are able to report the true ROI and make more informed decisions on future changes to your website and Internet marketing strategy. While other Internet marketing firms determine client website strategies based on partial data, WebpageFX can see the whole picture, which is why we continue to provide superior results for our clients.

Track Phone

Is call tracking really worth it?

Call tracking software can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. This platform records every word that your leads say to you over the phone so you have a record of who they are and what they want from your business. With all of this important information, you can increase your customer conversion rate by approaching each lead in a unique way.

But is that information worth the cost?

Yes, it is. With the piece of mind, knowing where your phone calls are working and what isn’t gives you the ability to never have a blind spot within your digital strategy. While generating a positive ROI, this software ends up being worth every penny.

Call Tracking

Go beyond online call tracking

Without call tracking, you could be moving your business in the dark. Turn on the lights with call tracking.

Interested in trying call tracking services? Call 310.202.4037 or contact us online today to start accurately tracking callers from your website.


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